Science-y reading

Did You Know...

The New York Times - Science Section
Daily science updates from all types of science and technology fields!

Discover Magazine - Not Exactly Rocket Science
One of my favorite places on the internet :)

Discover Magazine - The Loom
Carl Zimmer's (who also writes for the New York Times) blog. He loves parasites so I love his blog!!!

NPR - Science section
Great radio, great podcasts, great writing!

Things that make you go Whooaaaa. (Space things, very old things, very new things, very small things, etc)

Ars Technica - Science
Very space/tech heavy. Poke around the rest of the site on a free afternoon. You will spend hours on here!

Somewhere beyond the sea:

My good friend Chris Mah, a.k.a. Mr. Sea Star Man!, writes a very in-depth echinoderm-centered blog and there are always lots of accompanying pictures and videos!

Moss Landing Marine Labs
My friend and fellow grad student Diane Wyse is a frequent contributor to the Moss Landing blog! Check out their crazy adventures!

Deep Sea News
Pretty self explanatory. The deep sea is a mysterious place with mysterious creatures; as such there are incredible pictures on here :)

A special section for the the Eternal Student

Khan Academy
An incredible place. Learning does not stop once you leave the classroom. Nowadays there are so many places online that can quench your thirst for knowledge! One of the best is this website, watch Youtube videos ranging from European Art History to Microeconomics!

MIT OpenCourseWare
This was my first introduction to open access education. The people at MIT have been long supporters of the idea of a open learning environment :)

A huge organization created by two Stanford computer science professors. They offer actual online courses (free!) you can take at your own pace! Huge list of classes but skewed towards computer science. Oh, did I mention these are taught by some of the best professors in their field? Check them out!

A joint venture of MIT and Harvard debuting this Fall 2012! Runs the same way as Coursera as far as I can tell.