Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Spring is here!

It feels like eons since the last post! But Spring is here and nature is waking up from its wintry slumber!

Here is a beautiful video shot by a photographer of minuscule things, Daniel Stoupin's Slow Life.

Close the shades, turn up the volume (or better yet, plug in your best headphones), and make the video fullscreen. This video is composed of different corals all brilliantly colored and structured moving. The video is sped up so we are better able to perceive their movements. I know corals are animals but I can remember when I was a little kid that I grouped them in my brain with plants. Things that are alive but pretty much stationary and thus, BORING! Birds, tigers, grasshoppers, they all had faces and limbs and I could see them moving, behaving. It's incredible how much the limitations of my senses colored my perception of life. And now, going in the other direction, it's the things I can't obviously see that are fascinating like the storm going on inside our bodies when we have infections, long-term ecosystem changes, time lapse footage of glaciers retreating, evolution in general, anything happening in space or underwater, etc.

Anyways, this season I hope to update more often!

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